Visit us at MD&M West | February 4-6th 2025 | Booth 1386

Humphrey Products to Showcase MedTech Valves at MD&M West 2024

The Humphrey Products team will be at the MD&M West 2024 MedTech conference, held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, from February 6-8, 2024. Medical design manufacturers, innovators and industry leaders will come together to learn about new technology, build relationships and network.

Humphrey Products will join hundreds of other industry experts, engineers and thought leaders to highlight our innovative proportional and solenoid valve solutions. We will be at booth 1423 for the duration of the trade show.

We will showcase liquid handling and valve applications, including our:

The team looks forward to making new professional connections and continuing to build existing partnerships to better serve our customers. Add Humphrey Products to your Show Planner online here.

Call 1-800-477-8707 or contact Humphrey Products online for product and service information.


Humphrey is recognized as a leading producer of pneumatic and liquid control products, serving organizations worldwide. With expertise in a wide range of industries and proven valve technology, the company can engineer unique solutions for medical applications, analytical equipment, commercial and industrial operations and more.


MD&M West brings together MedTech engineers, business leaders, disruptive companies and innovative thinkers to create powerful solutions and life-changing medical devices.