Humphrey Offers Personalized Proportional Valve Application Assistance

Proportional Control Solenoid Valves are an excellent addition to any device or equipment, offering flexibility, precise flow control, and economy not available from ON/OFF solenoid valve systems. Depending on need, finalizing a proportional control valve can become complex, particularly in critical or precision applications. For best results, a number of factors and conditions should be captured early in the specifying and testing process.

Proportional Valve Application Specialists can assist in shortening the process, based on their training and experience.

Here’s our three-step process:

STEP 1: DISCOVERY. They listen and learn specific application parameters and client expectations for valve performance. They will suggest a product to test.

STEP 2: EVALUATE. Specialists remain available through client valve testing and can assist with set up tips and answer questions on proper valve assessment.

STEP 3: FINALIZE. Compressible fluids include variables. Initial testing may or may not require adjustments and further optimization. Specialists know what can be done and how to adjust valve performance.

BOTTOM LINE: Humphrey can help. Reach out to our specialists and streamline your understanding and use of proportional valve control “The ProControl Way”.

Initiate contact with your ProControl application specialist:

1.844.447.9009 toll-free