How High and Low Temperatures Affect Solenoid Valves

When your application involves extremely high or low temperatures, those intense conditions can alter solenoid valve function. Always select a valve that complies with the manufacturer’s temperature specifications for media and ambient environment.

How Cold Impacts Solenoid Valve Performance

Fluid viscosity changes: Most incompressible fluids (i.e. liquids) develop a higher viscosity and become thicker in colder environments, resulting in potentially sluggish performance and slower valve response time.

Hardened seals: Extremely cold temperatures can affect seal elasticity. Cold, hardened seals become brittle and may fail to conform to the valve seat, increasing the risk of a leak or failure.

Material contraction: Metals and elastomers are at risk when running in cold temperatures. Depending on valve construction, material contraction can negatively affect a valve’s sealing ability.

Inconsistent actuation: That issue occurs when a solenoid valve runs at infrequent intervals and low-cycling applications. Cold temperatures prevent the elastomer’s seal from compressing to the mating surface, causing slower actuation.

Preventing Valve Issues in Cold Temperatures

For applications in cold environments, it’s important to choose a solenoid valve that’s made of appropriate materials, such as stainless steel, nickel alloys and elastomers rated for the application.

Insulating valves against the cold helps maintain stable operation and reduces the risk of moisture-induced corrosion. In severe cases, you may need to install heating elements in or around a solenoid valve to prevent the fluid from freezing or slowing down the cycle.

Using low-temperature lubricants reduces friction and supports smooth performance in cold applications.

Consult the manufacturer when using the product near or below the low end of the recommended temperature range so they can provide a solution.

Cold Temperature Applications

Extreme cold can impact the reliability of solenoid valve performance and affect the state of different media during operation.

The following are potential applications in which cold operating temperatures could present an issue:

  • Cryogenic applications: Liquid nitrogen, oxygen and other cryogenic fluids can cause valve material to contract and ice to form, increasing the risk of valve seizure. Different manufacturers produce valves exclusively for difficult cryogenic applications.
  • Industrial processing: Some food and beverage processing applications require low temperatures to maintain product integrity. Ice and moisture exposure could interfere with mechanical movement.
  • Oil and gas extraction: Valves used in natural gas extraction can become brittle at extremely low ambient temperatures.
  • Chemical processing: Low processing temperatures for chemicals that require cold storage can cause valve materials to contract.

How Heat Impacts Solenoid Valve Performance

Overheating: Continuously energized or high cycling use generates heat within the solenoid. That’s known as heat rise, and coupled with ambient heat, can damage elastomers and electrical components over time.

Seal degradation: Elastomers are made of rubber or synthetic polymers that wear over time. Extreme heat alters the molecular structure of those materials and accelerates the aging process. That makes seals less flexible and prone to cracking and failure.

Low viscosity: Hot fluids and other liquids can have lower viscosity and flow more freely. While that’s beneficial in some applications, it’s not always ideal. Low-viscosity fluids may result in unstable function, creating flow control issues and leaks.

Electromagnetic changes: Solenoid valves rely on electromagnetic current to energize the solenoid. Heat increases the coil’s resistance, requiring greater voltage to operate the valve. If the available voltage is low, the valve may not actuate properly.

Preventing Valve Issues in Hot Temperatures

Selecting a valve with the proper temperature rating for your application extremes reduces the likelihood of malfunctions from heat buildup. Programmable control systems regulate solenoid valves when it’s needed, such as “hit and hold” circuitry that reduces the amount of heat produced during operation.

Proper ventilation can prevent an accumulation of thermal energy, preserving valve component integrity. Look for valves made of heat-resistant materials like fluorocarbon elastomers, aluminum alloys and stainless steel designed to handle hot environments.

Add temperature sensors to your valve system to trigger cooling mechanisms based on feedback from the control system. Adhering to a maintenance schedule will also help you spot signs of heat damage and degradation that could jeopardize the application.

Consult with the valve manufacturer when using the product near or above the high end of the recommended temperature range for alternative solutions.

Hot Temperature Applications

Hot ambient temperatures can lead to excess wear and tear, decreasing the service life of a proportional solenoid valve.

Be mindful of the following applications:

  • Power generation: High-temperature gases and fluids can lead to thermal stress, corrosion and decreased valve integrity.
  • Food and beverage processing: Sterilization and pasteurization require high operating temperatures, which may affect seals and sanitary conditions.
  • Industrial steam systems: Power plant steam applications and HVAC systems can produce high enough temperatures to warp seals or cause valve failure.

Innovative Proportional Solenoid Valve Design at Humphrey Products

Ideal operating conditions vary among solenoid valves.  At Humphrey Products, we offer a variety of solenoid valves with rugged designs that deliver reliable functions in extreme heat and cold. Our expert team will review the temperature range and other ambient factors to determine which of our products is right for the job.

Call 1-800-477-8709 to talk with a member of our technical service team about valve selection.